In-County Address Changes from a Voter Response

A change of residential address is considered a voter response when communicated via a signed written notice (such as a voter information card, letter, or Vote-By-Mail request), a phone call, or an email message.

Voter Focus has two ways to record an in-county address change submitted in writing, by phone, or by email:

  • Change the address on the voter's Maint tab and record a voter response.

  • On the Correspondence from Voter dialog, do an Address Change Inside State.

Both procedures accomplish the task with the same end result.

Note:  We recommend that you consider using the Correspondence from Voter facility for ALL address changes submitted in writing, by phone, and by email. Adopting a single procedure will make training simpler and eliminate user confusion as to which procedure to use.
Note: An address change entered at an EViD station automatically schedules a voter information card and updates the last voter activity date on the voter's Activity tab. If documentation such as a voter information card or letter is collected from the voter at the time of the address change, this documentation should be scanned and indexed to the voter's record. Voter response processing as described in this topic need not be performed for EViD address changes.